3 Highlights From House Hearing On ‘Disinformation And Extremism’ In News Media

PA Pundits International

By Virginia Allen ~

A House subcommittee held a virtual hearing Wednesday on how to weed out what Democrats call “disinformation and extremism” in the media.

House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., and Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., chairman of the communications and technology subcommittee, organized the hearing.

“It’s a sticky wicket because of our Constitution, but we need to examine and be frank with each other about what is taking place,” says Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., pictured May 14, 2020, during a House committee hearing. Eshoo is co-author of a letter to cable companies asking whether they intend to renew contracts with Fox News and other conservative news outlets. (Photo: Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images)

“The prolonged severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the attack on our Capitol on Jan. 6 have driven home a frightening reality: the spread of disinformation and extremism by traditional news media presents a…

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Twitter PURGE: Platform Censors The Gateway Pundit, Pamela Geller And Wayne Allyn Root

PA Pundits International

By Alexander Hall ~

Twitter obliterated an anti-establishment journalism outlet @Gatewaypundit and conservative movement leaders in a shocking escalation of censorship.

The Gateway Pundit verified Twitter account was suspended indefinitely following a post that went viral. Twitter had taken similar action against other high profile conservative icons ranging from conservative activist Pamela Geller to Conservative radio personality Wayne Allyn Root, all in a matter of days in early February.

Eliminating The Gateway Pundit’s ability to break its stories on Twitter would curb the reach of the anti-establishment outlet going forward.

The account, managed by the website’s founder and editor Jim Hoft, with the handle “@gatewaypundit” was suspended. The suspension took place shortly after “exclusive video from the TCF Center showing late-night deliveries of tens of thousands of votes to the TCF Center HOURS AFTER the deadline to turn in absentee ballots,” Hoft said in a blog. “The…

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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. KARL? ABC Reporter Now Endorses Jim Acosta’s Aggression

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

ABC’s Jonathan Karl gave an interview to Mediaite and demonstrated the notion of cognitive dissonance. He finds it unfortunate that people think the press acts as the Resistance to Trump, and yet, he wants to reverse his negative take on CNN White House shrieker Jim Acosta in his reporter’s memoir, insisting on reflection that Acosta’s bombastic aggression has been “vindicated.”

These concepts merge together about as well as the notion of being a Planned Parenthood-endorsed “devout Catholic.”

Mediaite’s Aidan McLaughlin asked if the press has “fallen into a trap” of looking like advocates instead of being more “reserved.”

KARL: I do believe that unfortunately, there is a big chunk of the country that believes that the press is now the Resistance and I think it’s really unfortunate and I think that it has negative consequences for a free press. I think it has negative consequences for our democracy…

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Would President Hillary Be Blamed For Coronavirus Deaths?

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

“Trump lied, people died.” This was the hot smear from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer after the first snippets of tape were leaked by Washington Post bigfoot Bob Woodward from his new anti-Trump book, Rage. The president told Woodward back in February that he wanted to downplay the coronavirus, so people wouldn’t panic, even though he said he’d been told it was an airborne threat.

Predictably echoing Schumer, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough dug into the mud bucket: “Donald Trump says he didn’t want Americans to panic. No, he just wanted to sit by and watch them die.” Insert the MSNBC pandemic slogan: “This is who we are. We are in this together.”

Let’s put aside the nagging question of why Republican presidents grant interviews to this liberal Watergate war horse. Let’s focus instead on the nastiness of blaming hundreds of thousands of deaths on the president…

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Twitter Now Labeling Some State-Affiliated Media – How About NPR, BBC, Others?

PA Pundits International

By Alexander Hall ~

In an era where governments use news outlets to launder their state propaganda as objective news, one Big Tech company is now beginning to take a decent stand by labeling government and state-affiliated media.

Twitter Inc. announced that going forward, the company “will label some state-backed media accounts, as well as accounts belonging to ‘key government officials’ for certain countries, to create more transparency when governments and their leaders use the social-media platform to discuss important geopolitical issues,” Bloomberg reported August 6.

Twitter explained in an August 6 blog: “We believe this is an important step so that when people see an account discussing geopolitical issues from another country, they have context on its national affiliation and are better informed about who they represent.” Chinese state-run media is a prime example of how tyrannical governments use state-run media outlets to launder their agenda under the…

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Thrill Up Their Leg? WashPost Rhapsodizes On ‘Spectacular Rise’ Of Lincoln Project

The Democratic rag known as The Washington Post gushed all over the Biden-endorsing Never Trumpers at the Lincoln Project on the front of Monday’s Style section. Writer Roxanne Roberts began by describing Trump as a fire, and as a “raging threat to democracy,” which is her paper’s boilerplate:

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

Is there such a thing as Conservatives for Biden? Conservatives for the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and Defunding the Police? Would liberals not choke at the brain-taxing idea of Liberals for Trump?

The Democratic rag known as The Washington Post gushed all over the Biden-endorsing Never Trumpers at the Lincoln Project on the front of Monday’s Style section. Writer Roxanne Roberts began by describing Trump as a fire, and as a “raging threat to democracy,” which is her paper’s boilerplate:

Your house is on fire. Do you care who the firemen are?

That is a central question of the 2020 election. Donald Trump has managed to do one thing no other president has done: Bring Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and progressives, boomers and millennials together in unprecedented numbers to try to defeat him in November. For Americans who believe the president is a raging…

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Lame! Google Apologizes After New ‘Bug’ Blacklists Conservative Sites

PA Pundits International

By Alexander Hall ~

Talk about living down to expectations. Google gave a measly mea culpa after several conservative websites were delisted from its general search and appeared to have been blacklisted.

The massive search engine company claimed that a technical issue prevented many high profile conservative websites from being reached via Google. Google said the problem was merely a bug in the system. Yesterday, websites such as NewsBusters, MRCTV, CNSNews, Free Beacon, Breitbart, The Resurgent, Twitchy, RedState, PJ Media, Judicial Watch, The Blaze, Townhall, Project Veritas, LifeNews, PragerU, and The Daily Wire could not be found in an organic search on Google. Today, Google apologized via Twitter after fixing this “bug.”

The company claimed that, “Contrary to some speculation, this did not target particular sites or political ideologies….Today’s issue affected sites representing a range of content and different viewpoints. Our ranking systems don’t index, rank or classify content based…

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Google Blacklists NewsBusters, Conservative Sites From Search

PA Pundits International

By Corinne Weaver~

Update: These sites are available again on Google’s organic search results. 

Google users wouldn’t know that conservative websites like NewsBusters, The Daily Wire, and Breitbart exist if they consulted an organic search result on the platform today.

The company has seemingly blacklisted numerous conservative websites like NewsBusters, MRCTV, CNSNews, Free Beacon, Breitbart, The Resurgent, Twitchy, RedState, PJ Media, Judicial Watch, The Blaze, Townhall, Project Veritas, LifeNews, PragerU, and The Daily Wire. None of these websites show up in an organic search on Google. While more than 3.5 billion Google searches are performed per day, certain conservative news sites appear prohibited from appearing in the general results.

Mediaite reporter Charlie Nash noted that Google had “removed several conservative websites from search results.” These sites included RedState, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Human Events.

The Media Research Center used a virtual private network in order to use the…

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NY Times Lets Schumer Off The Hook: Dems ‘Not All That Unhappy’

PA Pundits International

By Clay Waters ~

New York Times congressional correspondent Carl Hulse predictably shrugged off Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer’s volatile verbal threats directed at two Supreme Court justices nominated by the Trump administration in Friday’s “Schumer Regrets Content, But Not Spirit, of Warning.”

Hulse generally gives Democrats the benefit of the doubt when they make nasty attacks on Republicans, and he similarly shrugged off Schumer’s inflammatory rhetoric at a rally whe he warned Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch not to strike down previous pro-abortion rulings by the court.

Hulse let Schumer “clarify” his remarks.

Under fire from President Trump and Republican senators who accused him of threatening two conservative Supreme Court justices, Senator Chuck Schumer said on Thursday he “should not have used the words” he did on Wednesday in a fiery speech warning of the consequences of their rulings.

But Mr. Schumer, who chalked up his…

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NPR Rolls Out Red Carpet For Muslim Leftists Mourning Media Bias Against Omar, Tlaib

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

NPR’s badly named evening newscast All Things Considered recently devoted two eight-minute segments to anchor Audie Cornish soliciting the radical thoughts of Muslim activists in Dearborn, Michigan. In the first, on January 31, a man named Iltefat Hamzavi fried up this hate nugget: “I’ve been at many dinner tables where somebody voted for Trump. And you’re like, that’s like chickens voting for Chick-fil-A.”

Our taxpayer-funded national radio network just airs that without any objections or corrections. How has Trump slighted a pile of Muslim Americans? They didn’t find any Muslims who weren’t dragging Democrats to the left. Instead, the second segment on February 3 focused intently on how “the media” is unfair to Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

Which “media”? You can guess conservative media, but you would have to omit the “establishment” media, which has largely honored them as pioneers of diversity in…

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