Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations Uncover Depth Of Elite Institutional Corruption

PA Pundits International

By Jarrett Stepman ~

America’s most powerful, elite institutions now cooperate to misinform the public and suppress dissent.

It’s hard to think otherwise during the arc of the Hunter Biden laptop story that turned out to be true.

Last week, The New York Times reporters wrote that they authenticated email “obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. [Hunter] Biden in a Delaware repair shop.”

Hunter Biden departs the Capitol building after President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post /Getty Images)

This is in reference to a story the New York Post broke in 2020, shortly before the presidential election, about emails sent from the laptop of the president’s son, Hunter. The emails suggest that Hunter was using his father’s name and office to enrich himself. It…

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Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’

PA Pundits International

By Gary Bauer ~

Why after two years did the New York Times finally acknowledge the truthfulness of the laptop story?

The New York Times, after ignoring the story for two years, has finally admitted that the emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop are real. When this story first broke in the New York Post in 2020, a concerted, effective campaign stopped the American people from finding out about the contents of Hunter’s disturbing emails, which appeared to show corruption in the Biden family through lucrative contracts given to him by our foreign enemies.

As you will recall, Hunter Biden’s “consulting work,” for exorbitant fees totaling in the millions, was with business interests in China, Russia and Ukraine, all three of which are dominating the news right now.

  • In 2020, virtually every major network except Fox News refused to report on the laptop and its contents.
  • Tech giants censored…

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Radical Resetters Publish Plan To Wreck America And The Free World

PA Pundits International

By Craig Rucker ~

Apparently the problem with the world is that you are too free.

Americans must slash our energy use 87% and abandon limited government and our free economy if we are to live “sustainably” and meet the goals of the Paris Climate Accord.  That is according to a peer-reviewed study by five lead authors published June 29th in the journal Global Environmental Change.

Read the entire study at

It’s not often that the Socialists planning our future dystopia make their intentions plainly known.

We can thank five academic radicals for doing just that.

Although the study’s authors concede that only countries with high energy use accomplish “decent living standards,” they nonetheless conclude that our political and economic systems are “misaligned with the aspirations of sustainable development” and are “unfit for the challenges of the 21st century.”

You can kiss individual freedom and prosperity goodbye, along…

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POLL: Fewer That Half Of Americans Trust ‘Traditional Media’

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

Felix Salmon at Axios reported Thursday that for the first time ever, fewer than half of all Americans have trust in traditional media, “according to data from Edelman’s annual trust barometer shared exclusively with Axios.” It’s only 46 percent.

  • 56% of Americans agree with the statement that “Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.”
  • 58% think that “most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.”
  • When Edelman re-polled Americans after the election, the figures had deteriorated even further, with 57% of Democrats trusting the media and only 18% of Republicans.

They also found “Trust in social media has hit an all-time low of 27%.”

We take our objections to the media personally: “Mistrust of media is now a central part of many Americans’ personal…

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Biden and Harris: The Great Uniters?

PA Pundits International

If Biden and Harris had an ounce of genuine interest in “unity,” they would…

“The influence of your personal character moderates the divisions of political parties…” —George Washington (1789)

In 1829, after being sworn into office for his first term by Chief Justice John Marshall on the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol, President Andrew Jackson, a heroic War of 1812 general from Tennessee, delivered brief inaugural remarks. Then, following a tradition started by Thomas Jefferson, Jackson, a populist, hosted a public open house reception at the White House. So many citizens showed up for the food, drink and festivities (estimated in excess of 10,000) that later in the evening, Jackson had to leave through a window and spend the night in a hotel.

Presidential open houses continued for seven decades until Grover Cleveland opted for a grand parade, much to the applause of the…

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The Year In Favoritism Toward Liberal Bias

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

The Poynter Institute is a Florida-based journalism group that runs PolitiFact. On, they run a daily media report by Tom Jones, who sounds like Brian Stelter’s identically thinking twin. They say they support “responsible news and fact-based information,” but their incessant party line of  liberal-media cheerleading and conservative-media loathing really came through when Jones made a list of the “best and worst news media” of 2020.

Take a look:

Best national news:  “ABC’s David Muir, with his steady presence behind the desk, is leading what has become the best network evening newscast.” But he loves CBS and NBC, too! “All, however, are good, and that includes the PBS NewsHour with outstanding anchor Judy Woodruff.”

Best Sunday morning interview program:Meet the Press. Chuck Todd “isn’t beloved by all viewers, and often is beat up in the Twitter world, but I will never understand that…

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Fraudulent Sounds Of ‘Centrism’ In Biden’s Cabinet

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

What, in today’s political culture, is a “centrist”? Old-fashioned political nerds define it by support for legislation and policy proposals. If you love really big tax cuts and favor abolishing several Cabinet departments, you’re not a “centrist.” If you want to defund the police and “end fossil fuels,” you’re also not a “centrist.”

This is one of those matters of political categorization that our most prestigious newspapers mangle on a regular basis. Liberal editors and reporters have an annoying tendency to define the center as the precise ideological location where they stand on the spectrum.

Case in point: The New York Times placed this fraudulent headline at the top of their front page on Sunday: “On Philosophy, Biden Cabinet Leans Centrist.” This is simply preposterous.

Reporters Michael Shear and Michael Crowley display their delusion (or their attempt to confuse the public) in their lede: “His economic…

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COVID Damage Control, Not ‘Fact Checking’

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

USA Today has a “fact checking” team that is funded and weaponized by Facebook to limit or censor social-media posts. But amazingly, the standard employed isn’t whether something is factual or non-factual. It seems to be whether someone is a Democrat or not.

“Fact checker” Abby Patkin penned a December 1 article revolving around the claim: “Several Democratic politicians are urging social distancing and issuing stay-at-home advisories while hosting or attending gatherings themselves.” Patkin threw a penalty flag at the conservative Facebook page of “Occupy Democrats Logic,” which included a November 13 tweet about Democrat hypocrisy by former One America News host Liz Wheeler.

The politicians Wheeler criticized were hypocrites. Fact check: True.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who enforces a three-household limit to gatherings, attended a rule-violating birthday party inside a swanky restaurant called The French Laundry.  Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot attended a large street party…

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DISGUSTING: NYT Bashes Florida Latinos, Insists It’s A ‘Lie’ To Call Biden Socialist

PA Pundits International

By Clay Waters ~

The 2020 presidential election hasn’t been decided as of this writing, but the New York Times is bitter and panicky about Joe Biden’s surprisingly big loss in Florida and dug up a pathetic excuse: Hispanics were the victims of “disinformation”! In Thursday’s edition, reporters Patricia Mazzei and Nicole Perloth trotted out “Experts Call Disinformation Targeting Spanish Speakers an ‘Emergency.’

It’s a follow-up to their story that miscategorized conservative opinion and hyperbole as “misinformation” and dangerous falsehood, to boost Biden among the Latino community of South Florida, including those Cuban Americans the paper has never quite trusted for voting anti-Communist because of their experience with tyrant Fidel Castro. Calling “moderate” Biden a “socialist” is now a “lie”:

The posts proliferated on election night before anything remotely definitive was known about the results of the presidential race. “Robado,” they falsely repeated again and again in Spanish: President…

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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. KARL? ABC Reporter Now Endorses Jim Acosta’s Aggression

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

ABC’s Jonathan Karl gave an interview to Mediaite and demonstrated the notion of cognitive dissonance. He finds it unfortunate that people think the press acts as the Resistance to Trump, and yet, he wants to reverse his negative take on CNN White House shrieker Jim Acosta in his reporter’s memoir, insisting on reflection that Acosta’s bombastic aggression has been “vindicated.”

These concepts merge together about as well as the notion of being a Planned Parenthood-endorsed “devout Catholic.”

Mediaite’s Aidan McLaughlin asked if the press has “fallen into a trap” of looking like advocates instead of being more “reserved.”

KARL: I do believe that unfortunately, there is a big chunk of the country that believes that the press is now the Resistance and I think it’s really unfortunate and I think that it has negative consequences for a free press. I think it has negative consequences for our democracy…

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