Michelle Obama, America’s Most Pampered Princess

PA Pundits International

By Tim Graham ~

Michelle Obama’s pre-recorded speech for the first night of the Democratic convention was praised effusively and automatically by the “news” media. Because the media see it as their job to praise everything Michelle Obama does with overwhelming enthusiasm.

Please try this imaginative exercise: When has a “news” professional ever asked Michelle Obama a challenging question? When has she ever been portrayed as anything less than Barack’s “not-so-secret weapon”? If you want to smell a whiff of authoritarianism in America, it feels almost illegal to speak one discouraging word about the first black First Lady.

Michelle Obama is America’s most pampered princess, the most spoiled figure in our modern political history. Her every move is carefully prepared and managed, and no one ever disturbs her peace when she’s on display. Praising her poise and her cool is mandatory, and it’s easier to show poise when no one…

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This Big Media Outlet HIDES the KKK’s Past Ties To Democratic Party

PA Pundits International

By Jeffrey Lord ~

Call it “omission journalism.”

On June 14th, TheAtlanta Journal-Constitution ran this headline: “More than 1 million sign petition to designate KKK as terrorist group.”

The AJC story said, in part, this:

“More than 1 million people have signed an online petition calling for the government to designate the Ku Klux Klan as a terrorist organization.

The “Change KKK status into Terrorist Organization” campaign is one of at least three petitions that have gone viral on the change.org website since George Floyd’s death, according to Newsweek.”

The heading of the next section of the story reads: “A history of terror”

Then the piece, bylined by ArLuther Lee, goes into a curious description of the Klan. It accurately discusses the Klan’s history of terrorizing black Americans.

Then it says:

“During the eras of Reconstruction and Jim Crow, the band of white vigilantes carried out lynchings, bombings and assassinations on black people with impunity, and with…

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Why Americans Must Stand Up To The Left’s Power Grab

PA Pundits International

By Mike Gonzalez ~

Parts of the movement started by widespread revulsion at the murder of George Floyd have metastasized into a power grab by hard leftists.

Their aim goes beyond dismantling the police—likely to have an early sell-by date—but targets the suppression of such tenets of liberalism as speech and property rights.

A renunciation of journalistic objectivity has been openly embraced by reporters, editors, and deans of journalism schools. Pictured: Pedestrians walk March 9 in front of The New York Times’ headquarters on 8th Avenue in New York City. (Photo: Gary Hershorn/Corbis via Getty Images)

Conservatives who want to conserve the republic as it is need to gird up for this battle.

For a brief, ephemeral moment, the country came together in condemnation of Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis. But a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, so those who want to change America root and…

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The True Plight Of Black Americans

PA Pundits International

By Walter E. Williams ~

While it might not be popular to say in the wake of the recent social disorder, the true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called “systemic racism.” Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.

According to Statista, this year, 172 whites and 88 blacks have died at the hands of police. Pictured: Tristen Taylor, a protest organizer, cries during a peaceful demonstration over the death of George Floyd, in Detroit, Michigan, June 3. (Photo: Seth Herald/AFP/Getty Images)

Some of the most dangerous big cities are St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, Newark, Buffalo, and Philadelphia. The most common characteristic of these cities is that, for decades, all of them have been run by liberal Democrats.

Some cities—such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark, and Philadelphia—haven’t elected…

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New York Times Stands Up For Violent Antifa Rioters Versus Trump

PA Pundits International

By Clay Waters ~

The New York Times’ coverage of the rioting after the killing of George Floyd has been an exercise in running interference for the violent left-wing anarchists of Antifa. On the front of Tuesday’s Times Business section under: “‘All of It Is Toxic’: A Surge In Protest Misinformation,” reporter Davey Alba focused on three alleged bits of misinformation being passed around the web about the rioting.

But one bit that wasn’t “misinformation” at all? That the loose affiliation of violent left-wing-anarchists are not provoking violence in the streets:

And conservative commentators are asserting with little evidence that antifa, the far-left antifascism activist movement, coordinated the riots and looting that sprang from the protests.

Untruths, conspiracy theories and other false information are running rampant online as the furor over Mr. Floyd, an African-American man who was killed last week in police custody in Minneapolis, has…

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Hey Lady, You’re Under ARREST!

PA Pundits International

“Here Comes Da Judge…” * ~

A Hairdresser Shall Lead Them

~  The story of Texas hairdresser Shelley Luther is the story of American Liberty. ~

Arnold Ahlert ~

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” —Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775, addressing the Second Virginia Convention

(Shelley Luther’s defense ↓ remark

“I have much respect for this court and laws. I have never been in this position before and it’s not someplace that I want to be. But I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I’m selfish, because feeding my kids is not selfish. I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. So sir, if…

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NY Times Whines: GOP Science ‘Denialists’ ‘Seized’ On Wacky Green New Deal

PA Pundits International

By Clay Waters ~

New York Times environmental activist reporter Lisa Friedman, whose paper has taken advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to push liberal causes, now regrets Republicans have “seized” on (wholly justified) fears about Democratic environmental policy in her piece entitled, “G.O.P. Aims to Use Pain Of Shutdown to Tarnish Climate Change Policies.” Also, Matthew Rosenberg and Jim Rutenberg offered more biased labeling in their latest attempt to unmask the right-wing propaganda machine of their fevered imaginations.

Friedman makes a habit of shouting “climate denial,” and did the same on Saturday:

The coronavirus and the struggle to contain it has tanked the economy, shuttered thousands of businesses and thrown more than 30 million people out of work. As President Trump struggles for a political response, Republicans and their allies have seized on an answer: attacking climate change policies.


Critics said the Republican line of attack smacked of…

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The Great US-China Divorce Has Arrived

PA Pundits International

By James Carafano ~

Make no mistake: The global struggle with China is about to go to the next level. Or two. Or three.

By triggering a global disease outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party’s reprehensible behavior crossed the last line, leaving other nations no recourse but to push back. Hard.

President Donald Trump speaks at the daily coronavirus task force briefing at the White House April 21, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

No longer can responsible nations tolerate the regime’s destabilizing interference around the world. Post-COVID-19, there will be a new world map, and this is what it is going to look like.

Cartography in Modern Times 

Let’s start with what the map doesn’t look like. There won’t be big bold circles, blue and red, demarking spheres of influence and control. This isn’t like most other great power competitions, from “Inter Caetera” to the Cold War.


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Pelosi Suffers Massive Political Hit – Abandons House Scheme – Announces Acceptance of Senate Bill… — The Last Refuge

Truth2Freedom's Blog

You can tell when Speaker Pelosi recognizes a political backlash for her manipulative schemes because it’s the only time she blitzes the media. After suffering a very large political hit, beyond the capability of the media to defend, Pelosi said today the House will take up the Senate coronavirus bill.

The writing was on the wall late yesterday as people started digging into the 1,400 page House proposal and exposing all of the far-left ideological efforts within it. Billions were earmarked for nonsense progressive projects and the House scheme was fraught with social engineering that had nothing to do with assisting workers and businesses.

Even Pelosi’s own party started telling leadership they had gone way too far with the assembled list of nonsense legislation. The speaker recognized if she did not quickly make a tactical retreat her party would be crushed by exposure of the brazen politics they were…

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Pelosi’s Identity Politics Pork Barrel

PA Pundits International

By Mike Gonzalez ~

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” Obama adviser Rahm Emanuel said during the country’s last major emergency. Now, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing this noxious idea back as she uses the coronavirus pandemic to permanently stamp identity politics on corporate America.

The bill proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn’t showing compassion for those in need; it’s abusing the coronavirus emergency to reorder America. Pictured: Pelosi outlines her legislation Monday in the hallway of the Speaker’s Balcony at the Capitol. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Pelosi’s coronavirus relief bill is a veritable pork barrel for programs that would force corporations receiving government aid to implement “diversity and inclusion” initiatives that have nothing to do with combating COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and preventing its spread.

In an age when the word “outrage” has lost its meaning through overuse, one is left…

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